
Hip Hip Hooray for just about a perfect day!

I wish I had pictures of today!  But I don't.  Darn photo space is Full!  BUT I was so anxious this morning.  It was like, the first day feeling.  I was sad, scared, ready to react with a hushed importance.  I only slept a little, with the thoughts of how I will handle them being after the weekend.

They came in with big smiles, singing me a Happy Birthday (yes, it was Saturday!)  I've never been thankful for a December birthday until today.  I hugged each student tight and we got right to work.  

Also, I happen to have a cold so when I did get a little mushy... I could blame it on that!  

Today was just about perfect.  

Silly Boy A was still his silly self, unable to sit quietly.

Silly Boy B still forgot how to whisper.

Silly Girl A still is having trouble keeping her hand off her friends hair.

So, today was just right.  Even today these annoyances didn't bother me quite as much.  As for tomorrow.... that is yet to be determined!

There was no mention of worry, no mention of not feeling safe, no mention of the bad guys out there.  And I am so thankful.  Thankful they can still be innocent and not know the world has its dark side.  

I hope you day was as bright!


We are safe!

What a horrible day today.  I learned about this event today about 11:00.  I don't think I really understand exactly what happened.

Our school went into a semi-lock down, which of course made things a little unsettled.  We carried out our day as usual.  I tried not to know what happened.

As I sit I can't help but think about those parents, who kissed their little ones planning on play dates and shopping and their whole world is different.

I think about those teachers, I hope I could be as brave.

My prayers are with the families, the community, the teachers.  Even just being less than an hour away, I am sure we all feel the pain.


Readers Workshop

So I plowed through Kim Adsit and Michele Scannell's Blasting off to Reader's Workshop.

I really liked this unit.  I have to be honest and say, I didn't think I would be able to do independent reading in my class.  Not that they aren't readers, I actually have quite a few already on a DRA 3.  But that their stamina isn't there.  They just can't sit and read yet.  Or so I thought.

Of course there are some who would rather do anything else.  But for the most part they loved getting a chance to practice what we have been doing.  Yeah!

I did go through her unit quickly, but only because some of it we were already doing.  BUT I reviewed EVERYTHING.  I didn't want to regret it later.

This week I am going to really work on Powerful Partnerships.  I know they can do it!  Here are my questions right now:

I have them in small tubs reading books.  This is just makes it easier since I have AM and PM and I can just manage it better.  BUT I am probably going to have to have book boxes.  How can I manage that?

What am I going to do with my REALLY low students, who right now are struggling to keep their attention at circle?  They can do this too I know!

Wish me luck!