Our district is on the Get Set year of the Common Core. We are getting ready to implement it next year. But, I don't know if it is the "higher" ups or that my principal wants to impress everyone and make them think her school is already ready, but things have gone lulu!
Every day, she will step into my room and ask how this or that aligns with the common core. I am seriously tired of hearing it.
So, I've started writing the CCSS number on everything I do. So I can show her how it aligns. The only thing... somethings fall in the gray. Am I right?
The Pokey Pin, is totally fine motor! They use a push pin to build muscles. But since it is the alphabet and sight words... does that count? Miss Miner's Kindergarten is totally rocking this activity! And you know, I want to too!
The other Fun

Well, seriously, she has asked me if the kitchen is relevant! RELEVANT. I just feel we are doing a disservice to taking the world so seriously all the time!
How are things about for you?
My principal told me: "Kindergartners aren't really that much different than 1st Graders!"
Really? WOW! I think 1st graders are little too! SO there you have it.
Just like we've been told "not to teach to the test" shouldn't we teach to the WHOLE child and not just the common core?
We know they need a lesson on glue, although it isn't in the common core it needs to be done!
We know there needs to be a social lesson, but that isn't in there either.
great issues altogether, you just received brand new reader. What could you recommend in regards to your post that you just made some days in the past? Any positive?
Humm... I don't mean to come off as a negative nilly. I just find all the new so overwhelming. I am not an expert in the CCSS, and I feel like my district is asking me to be.
I have to say that the way of education does need to change. When we see those movies like Waiting for Superman, it just really makes education seem archaic and that we don't really want what is best for children.
I have taught many places throughout my life (Texas, Missouri, Delaware, and now Connecticut) and I have never worked somewhere that I did work with teachers who were fully invested. We are like a special cult, that our whole lives consisted of thinking and reflecting on what we do and how we can do it better.
The common core, is going to help us. So I am happy, elated, joyous, that it is here. However, I just need time to learn it, know it.
I am going to make it a goal to make it less negative.
I just posted a poster for there. Come and grab it to use with your daughter.
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